''Know Shaming'' is the petty social act of making someone feel smaller or stupid for literally not having known the information someone is telling them. Know shaming can occur in social or academic discourse, but also in interactions around media or celebrity consumption.
A: Have you heard of band XYZ?
B: No I Hav---
A: OMG! How do you not know about them!??!?!? Do you live under a rock?!?!! I knew about them ages ago like before they got popular.... YOU HAVE TO LISTEN TO THEM.
- - -

A: Did you know..
B: No..
A: What OMG! Do you even read? So basically...
B: This is know shaming. How could I know anything about something before I know it?
by knowshaming February 1, 2020
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When people shame you for not watching game of thrones
I got “game shamedme when I told her I don’t watch game of thrones.
by Rica Da Ripper April 21, 2019
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When someone does something atrocious and becomes famous for it.
Ted Bundy got shame fame after he went to prison.
by 13After12 May 28, 2022
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When someone does something atrocious and becomes famous for it.
Ted Bundy got shame fame after he was sent to prison.
by 13After12 May 28, 2022
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Don't shart shame Frank! It is not his fault he tried to fart and in fact sharted. Shart Shaming is socially unacceptable globally.
by Tegrofreven February 2, 2022
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...the jibing associated with the exposure of the nipple, including the nipple areolar complex (NAC), the result of an uptight society's discomfiture with the breast in general and the NAC in particular... nippy shame can be said repeatedly while crossing one index finger in a right angle over the other and pushing the upper finger away from the dorsum of the hand... upon seeing a nipple -> nippy shame, nippy shame, nippy shame, ...
At a party, the hostess dives into the pool and comes up out of the water, her bikini top askew. With her right (or left) nipple areolar complex exposed several party goers start chanting "nippy shame" as they cross their index fingers and rub them as if they are trying to start a fire...
by awdwagon September 28, 2013
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Eating copious amounts of dairy products, despite having a well-known lactose intolerance, and subsequently declaring the circumstances under which you’ve nearly shit your pants.
Becky had ice cream and pizza at lunch. She pulled a Shameful Sherrie on the way home as she clenched to my front passenger seat.
by OldResidence January 20, 2020
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