(simile) -- Means working hard on everything BUT your own job.
Kevin has been working like the dickens lately. He has picked up a nasty addiction to cribbage and fishing but continues to suffer with his own job performance.
by Timberwolves Central April 7, 2006
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When you quote or reference a classic work of literature in everyday speech
Guy 1 :"Hey, what's your name son?"
Guy 2:"Call me Ishmael!"
Guy 3:"Way to whip out your dickens, man."
by Mijnheer_Godmode November 18, 2010
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A true royal indeed. He resides in Manchester after 12 grueling years of war. He has promised to kill all humans before 2025. He's also very gay.
Charles Dickens Ägglund The Third of Manchester is a master of the arts.
by duwqgyfbwf May 17, 2022
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An expression used by snobby intellectuals to express their astonishment.
Person 1: good afternoon, have you seen the new Avengers movie?
Person 2: Holy Dickens?! you watch that crap; oh well, what did I expect from someone who wears Fila Disruptors
by awdoajwfa21312 October 22, 2019
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Some one who aroused the Stanley cup and put a bet in the pot for 50 grand and got a blue Lamborghini and weighing it with the gaterade to see witch one make bob marley king of Indonesia
Man 2“Man Spicy chicken dicken spidingus make hot”

Man 1“I know right
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a very large boy
"Big dicken bought a family meal all to himself!"
by obeshaopp September 11, 2023
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