help is a word meaning you can’t do it and you need someone to guide you through it,
idiot: hey I need HELP with my homework can you come HELP me? Smart man: no idiot -_-
by HEWWO UWU ÒWÓ November 11, 2019
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A hypocritical statement used in a situation in which everythings going right with you, yet wrong with someone else.
Boy 1: hey did you turn in your paper today.

Boy 2: I couldnt, my computer turned off in the middle of my paper, then once i re-typed it, my printer ran out of ink and paper.

Boy 1: That sucks, but If It Helps, I turned mines in.
by Numero A November 3, 2009
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The state of "helping" while high on marijuana. To be "helping" is the serious need of help because you are possibly incapacitated on the bed or are about to or have greened out.

(True story, all names have been changed)

So on a clear starry night, two buddies hung out in their basement to get high. They ordered a box of pizza for themselves, and paid the girl the wrong amount of money; still shutting the door on the delivery person.

The two buddies ate the pizza and watched TV for awhile. One of the buddies, "Dave", felt like one of his eyes was larger than the other, and was unable to see straight. He then puked up all the pizza he just ate.

Dave claimed that if he didn't physically breathe, he felt like his body was breathing for him because of all the smoke literally trapped in his lungs and therefore inflated his lungs every time he breathed out.

When Dave laid on the bed, he looked over to his friend who was high as fuck, and kept "helping" to his friend. He constantly asked for help because he thought he was going to die. Dave couldn't feel his body and was to the point where he was too lazy to move and do anything.
Person 1 - "Dduuddee, you okay?"
Person 2 - "I'm heellppiinngg, I can't do jack shit"

Dave smoked way too much weed to the point where he greened out and was "helping" all fucking night.
by Helping as ffuuucckk June 1, 2011
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What you are not. What is referencing me supposed to do for me? Nothing. Useless. "Not justifying it! Just explaining it!" Like, what the fuck is that supposed to mean? And not the quote in and of itself but the fact that you are doing it in reference to me. What is that supposed to me to me. Yes. I understand that you are reading this. Crediting me with the fruits of my labor would prove that you are not better than me. Which is exactly why you are not doing it.
Hym "Oh, and I almost forgot to mention (well, not really 'forgot' but I wanted to sit in this for a while) remember the other week when I had some guy behind the counter of a gas station say the name of the last restaurant I was at before he even address the fact that he was ringing up my purchase? Well, that same night I had a pair of kids (looked maybe 16-18) pull up next to me as I was driving, get my attention, the passenger either flipped me off or point up to the sky (either 👆🖕), and then they sped off, and honked their horn 3 times. That's shit isn't normal. If that shit isn't insane to you then you degree is as meaningless as your book. Famous YouTubers referencing me also isn't normal but is slowly becoming a common phenomenon. That's not helpful. It's so not helpful that it suffices to say that it seems intended to be the opposite of helpful. The former is going to continue happening regardless of how hard I work. And if you want me to 'be normal' then that is no longer an option. A 'normal' does not have to tolerate this. Therefore, I will not tolerate this. If the bus driver can't be reasoned with and he refuses to turn the wheel; if don't need to let him drive me off of a cliff."
by Hym Iam August 5, 2022
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