a member of the more liberal of the two major political parties.
this definition of democrat is not a rant
by Zarquon October 14, 2006
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1- Of or concerning a democracy.
2- Who or that supports the belief that everyone should have equal rights and opportunities.
by Mokhtar Debaisy November 1, 2007
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1. A person that always gets what they want and if you don’t agree with them, your automatically a racist, sexist monster.
Democratic woman: Who did you vote for in the 2016 election.
Man:Trump of course

Woman: so you voted for that Monster of a man
Man: What’s wrong with Trump
Woman: He said something I didn’t like so he’s a racist.
Man: Ma’am I think you are a little light headed.
by WhyImIhere January 21, 2019
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Apparently, people who aren't allowed to back up their point of view with evidence.
Republican: It's obvious the Bush tax cuts helped the poor more than the rich.
Democrat: Actually, statistically, the rich recieved almost-
Republican: Your numbers mean nothing.
Democrat: This entire issue is about numbers!
Republican: No, this is about the people! This is about Joe Everyman!
Democrat: What the hell are you talking about?
Republican: I'm talking about how you radicals use numbers to mislead everyone into thinking the Bush tax cuts were bad, and that we have massive debt.
Democrat: ...We DO have massive debt, and the average person got around $300 back, whereas the rich got-
Republican: Are you telling these people America is BAD? Are you saying that America isn't the best damn country ever?
Democrat: No, I just-wait, what? This isn't about me! This is about the issues!
Republican: Not responding to my questions. Typical.
Democrat: ...
Republican: See, clearly I have silenced you with my powerful, factual argument.
Democrat: I had sex with your wife, Bill.
Republican: What?!?
Democrat: She said she wanted a man who didn't tell her she belonged in the kitchen.
Republican: ...
by -[slave]- April 11, 2006
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A nice human who treats people the same no matter their gender or race.
Oh look a Democrat he/she/other must be nice.
by WEEBLIT October 8, 2020
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a person that supports abortion higher taxes on rich and etc founded in 19th century but today"s democrats got mainstream in 1990s today democrats or social liberalism is about race gay rights and etc
you support abortion? you must be a democrat!
by kingstarboy14 January 4, 2021
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One who becomes aware of all political problems in the US when a Republican is president.
I can't believe what's been happening in America since that Republican was elected. Destruction of civil liberties, supporting the banks, endless war? Not with a Democrat in the White House!
by ActualDefinitions July 3, 2010
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