A type of kid who can't take a joke.
Also, the type who's always aggressive just like the Kyle kid.
That kid is such a Binder.
by Toby_bear September 22, 2020
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a type of teacher that should not be teaching her subject, usually a teacher that no one likes
my teacher is a binder, she teaches Spanish and is apparently everything but Spanish.
by May 5, 2022
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a kid who doesnt understand how to act in society. Also, uses a binder strap in High school because he/she is incapable of carrying his/her binder.
"yo, some Binder Strap Kid in my math class stood up and did a fortnite dance and nobody laughed "
by Twinkster98 December 21, 2018
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The act of picking up a binder by it’s spine or handle whilst the binder is not zipped up, thereby dropping the papers all over the floor in a disastrous mess
Friend 1: You’re late to class again.
Friend 2: I was going to be on time but I had a binder bomb
by Eggman200 June 20, 2018
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