One of the most sexy guitars in the world, made by Brian May of Queen with his dad out of a XIX century fireplace in the sixties.

Many guitars companies have released copies of this guitar and the most poplar one is by Burns.
Brian May's Red Special has many unique characteristics, which allow Brian May to create a distinctive sound.
by ChocloMan December 19, 2006
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A sexual foreplay position where person one sits with their legs wide open, and person two sits in between their legs, preferably naked. From there person one will use one hand to fondle the others genitalia, the other hand to caress the breasts (if person two is female), and their mouth to suck on their neck.
Jess: WOW last night was amazing

Mikayla: Why, what happened?
Jess: Jonah gave me the Jacob Special
by Treereeeee December 18, 2019
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A massage technique in which the male partner is straddled by his female companion. The male partner sucks her breasts while massaging her back and neck muscles, producing a feeling of calming euphoria.

See also LaCosta Deluxe

NOTE: The LaCosta Resort and Spa is an elite spa located in southern California known for its grand spa and massage experiences.
Cissy was really tense this morning so I gave her the LaCosta Special. It really helped.
by BBBMD November 2, 2006
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A Dellinger Special is a sexual act where one party shits in the shower while the other party watches. This is popularly done in BDSM and is perceived as a portrayal of dominance. This term is native to Trinidad and is considered slang.
P1: I heard Tays and Stella were going to do the Dellinger Special.
P2: No way, I've been wanting to try that
by TrinidadSlang January 26, 2020
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When you cum in your girlfriends pussy after less than a minute and don’t realize
Person: Damn, Jared just gave her the 55 special again

Me: classic Jared Berman
by Jared Berman June 27, 2019
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An alcoholic concoction featuring a fifth of Taaka vodka and 2 sugar-free Red Bulls. First known origins found in Isla Vista.
“Hey Johnny, can I get a rip of that Mahalo Special?”
“Of fucking course dude! TEEHOO MAHALO!”
by Jug Master March 23, 2021
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