
The most awesome, Fuckin Brolic Badass !!!
Damn, see Konnor, he can lift a boulder!
by Lykeatenation July 24, 2011
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A person (usually male) who is skinny as hell, likes corny jokes, and is white as hell. He also likes Video Games, and has a pretty wide circle of friends
Hey, there's Konnor!
by 6664691 June 26, 2017
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A boy who is so kind he is amazing and a great friend . He is so fun to be with and he is so loved by everyone he meets . He treats his family and his girlfriend very good and is always loving . Konnor is someone you want to be with forever .
Konnor is the most hottest person you will ever meet.
by Joffy September 14, 2017
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Konnor is usually very quiet. He only focuses on school because he doesn't want to fail his parents. He spends most of his time on instagram and snapchat waiting for notifications. He doesn't have the most friends but all of the friends he does have are the best he could ask for. He isnt the most handsomest person, but his personality is amazing once you get to know him. Not alot of people know him, or pay attention to him but he doesn't really care.
Guy 1: Oh hey! Theres Konnor! Should we ask him to hang out? Guy 2: Sure why not. He seems pretty cool.
by Beans R Us December 9, 2019
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The most Massive erection out there.
A bigger erection than Abe.
Damn you have a Konnor, it's bigger than an Abe
by Pictbridge March 18, 2008
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Konnor is the fat ginger grass smoking cunt that you play with on PS4 because you have nothing better to do One of the plus sides of having a Konnor is you can make fun of and believe him all you want and he’ll just take
Konnor you’re a fat cunt go smoke your fake ass hemp with your wanna be head ass gangster friends. And please stop posting weird shit on Instagram nobody gives a fuck.
by Fat gingercuntman69 February 2, 2020
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A desirable, but seemingly unattainable person.
to be full of desire.
Ex1: Don't even think about it, he is a total Konnor.

Ex2: Man, did you see the look in her eyes? She totally is totally Konnor for you.
by Skitsafrit February 18, 2011
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