n. A philosophy, espoused by the Republican Party, advocating endless tax cuts on rich people, cutting safety restrictions and trade regulations, and unilaterally invading sovereign nations.
For the last thirty years, the dominant ideology in America has been anarcho-militarism.
by IFKaramazov August 12, 2011
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The form of government advocated by "Dennis the Peasant" in the famous Monty Python Movie "Monty Python and the Holy Grail"

If you don't believe me you haven't watched it enough
"I told you, we're an anarco-sydicalist commune. We take it in turns to be a sort of executive officer for the week..."

Though anarcho-syndicalism is funny in the movie, only true idiots would be proponents of such a dumb system
by Lookinglass November 22, 2005
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Shortened as AnCap. One put it to me as “the final conclusion of natural rights.” Anarcho Capitalists believe that Natural Rights (life, liberty, and property) should be observed in every sense of the word. They view the state as an institution of theft, due to their main source of income being the forceful removal of money. They despise the idea of a central government, in any capacity. Being democratic or authoritarian. They see authoritarianism as the embodiment of the much hated “state,” and democracy as a sham. Democracy in their view being a couple of mobs who tell the government to “steal” from x,y, or z.

Their proposed solution is the abolition of the state, and the use of a totally free market to replace the state in every function. From roads, to private law, and even military. They claim that the services who take their place have historically proven to be cheaper and better preforming due to competition, and will get better at the current rate of development.

Anarcho Capitalism is the most radical sector of libertarianism and the right. Don’t call them alt right, they hate being called alt right. They also never say they’re an anarchist outside of the echo chambers, unless you put two and two together and call them out.
Anarcho capitalism is great and all, but will it ever really be achieved?

Not in our life times, but maybe in 200 years of continued struggle.
by SpeakundSpell November 29, 2020
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An ultra-leftist, largely in the United States and Europe, who uses supposed "socialist" arguments to support what are objectively right-wing, pro-imperialist positions.

Anarcho-neocons portray Western government regime-change efforts as progressive revolutions, while smearing anti-imperialists and anti-war activists -- who think, 'Hey, maybe we shouldn't destroy countries in the Global South' -- as "tankies," "Assadists," and "Stalinists."

Anarcho-neocons agree with old-fashioned neoconservatives that imperialism will bring "authoritarian" countries "democracy."

Anarcho-neocons are always leftier than thou; no existing leftist government will ever be good enough for them. But contras armed and trained by the CIA to disembowel and crucify Third World nationalists are so rad!

Also see: Idlibs
C'mon, don't be ridiculous, everyone knows Molly Crabapple, Shane Bauer, and Charles Davis are not leftists; they're anarcho-neocons who think CIA-backed fascist contras are revolutionaries!
by madurosmoustache July 6, 2020
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The proffering that a line can only be discrete, countable (infinite), and therefore straight (convergent) if it has a center.

An anarcho-limitation reflects itself through a point reflection to become its own center (meta-center); thereby creating uncountable space.
Anarcho-limitism proposes a deep link between discreteness and straightness (convergence) that creates uncountability.

Anarcho-limitism proffers that discreteness and convergence reflect themselves through a point-reflection to create a "self" -center.

Uncountability is--tautologically--space, thus a line's center creates uncountable space.

A line with no center is a wave and heaven contains straight-waves (lines with no centers).

A point reflection forms because a line is trying minimize its area.

Thus convergence is neither a function of direction or space.

Straightness is thus revealed to be an AREA.
by metawave August 23, 2019
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Anarcho-Syndicalism cannot work because people are idiots. History has proven fascism, unecessary large scale wars, greed for more land, and idiocy ultimately dominates any attempt at reform for this.
by athlonuser1126 October 31, 2022
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