82 definitions by metawave
Ontological phenomenon in which different geological regions of the earth have differing magnetic fields.
These magnetic fields are contiguous.
These magnetic fields are contiguous.
by metawave November 6, 2019
The idea that tangibility is a structure-of-feeling.
by metawave February 22, 2022
Paradigm that Godel's Theorem of Incompleteness refers to the uncountability of the other set of points on a non-Tarski object.
Ie. the incompleteness Theorem is saying that human beings can count numbers; but mathematics cannot count numbers.
Ie. the incompleteness Theorem is saying that human beings can count numbers; but mathematics cannot count numbers.
The Baruch-Tarski Theorem declares that each object has twice as many points as it needs to cohere internallistically.
Boolean nihilism states that Godel's incompleteness is referring--not to mathematics' undecidability--but rather to its inability to count Tarski's second set of numbers. More broadly mathematics is unable to count numbers-in general..
Boolean nihilism states that Godel's incompleteness is referring--not to mathematics' undecidability--but rather to its inability to count Tarski's second set of numbers. More broadly mathematics is unable to count numbers-in general..
by metawave February 22, 2022
by metawave October 27, 2019
Color maintains its own resolution from the infinite past to the uncountable-future.
This is delineated in the dialectic of postmodernism.
This phenomenon is called q-wave.
This is delineated in the dialectic of postmodernism.
This phenomenon is called q-wave.
by metawave August 22, 2020
A penomenon of demonstration in which deconstructionism and therefore formalism can only represent linear time as moving backwards.
Also called "left-wing determinism."
Also called "left-wing determinism."
by metawave August 14, 2019
by metawave November 23, 2019