82 definitions by metawave

Postulation that capitalism lowers IQ's by lowering the barriers for poor people to travel.
Farming increases IQ's by silo-ing people or disallowing people from traveling until they have obtained a sufficient amount of resources.

Biopolitics is the phenomenon of travel becoming so inexpensive that poor people can mate and travel at scale.

The momentum-distribution of IQ resembles a nomadic era.
by metawave June 10, 2020
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A paradigm in which a Christianist state resolves the Palestinian-Israeli impasse.
High perfusionism (hyperfusionism) updates Edward Meyer's paradigm to resolve the geopolitical contiguism of the Middle East barring the return of the Jewish Messiah.
by metawave November 3, 2019
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Cosmophony argues that music is the preservation of color-fidelity in deterministic time.

Part of a dialectic called "cosmotheism."
Cosmophony argues is color being preserved over linear time. In contrast to cosmogeny which is color being preserved over cyclical time.

Cosmogeny and cosmophony together make up a dialect called "cosmo-" or "color" theism.
by metawave September 7, 2020
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Phenomenon in which ethics appear from the super-conscious (conscience) in contrast to consciousness (religion).
In a cult-of-personality ethics appear from one's narcissism (super-conscious) in contrast to the all-conscious (limina).
by metawave January 30, 2019
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Critical race theory is the idea that since the intersection of two races is patriarchal, patriarchy must be the unit-of-race.
Critical race theory is a reference to modernism-in-retrospect, and it argues that patriarchal units constitute race.

Critical race theory is the first example of intermodernism.

It leaves open the question of what the unit-of-patriarchy is.
by metawave September 8, 2020
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Marxism's inability to apprehend premodern opposition to the caste system.
Inequality received premodern opposition but only because it was incompatible with a military phalanx.

Marxism's inability to apprehend militarist opposition to the caste system of inequality is called blindsight.
by metawave August 22, 2020
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A meta-spatial (metaphysical) line.

Phenology in which the void of nihilism (intersubjectivity) represents a line connecting value and meaning.

(Value-meaning is termed "sentiment.")
Naturalism is the ontological line of sentiment. It demonstrates that aesthetics must follow sentiment (aesthetic imperative).

Naturalism (line) is one of three ontological objects including nihilism (space) and liminism (point).
by metawave January 25, 2019
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