To have no chance to do something else because you already have compromises ..especially you have to work next day and you can't have a big party!
I signed the contract.

A: Hey Mike!! Why don't we have a couple of beer tonight!
B: Sorry, I can't. I signed the contract!

by Allan García February 4, 2009
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In a similar context to the employment contract.
A zero hour contract dad is a father who is forced to adhere to limited hours with their child/children while in fear of being released from their "contract" basically having their child access stopped by a controlling mother.
"I just dont find it fair. Shes treating me like a zero hour contract dad. Giving me such short hours to see my kids and if I am unable to come to hours dropped on me at the last minute she stops my access"
by David newington April 13, 2020
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The use of movies, TV, or books, referencing a specific character and scene, which can be used as a detailed example of what is being described. The use of life contractions can significantly expand the description of a particular situation without the need to explain the details. Making the conversation more involved with less spoken words.
Examples of a life contractions:

He stated, "I will beat you like what 'The Hulk' did to 'Thor'."

She said, "I wanna do some things from 'Fifty Shades of Gray'."

"It felt like the last cannonball 'Homer' took in the guts."
by it_only_took_5 December 23, 2018
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when you dont wanna be gay anymore so you sign a legends contract which allows you to be gay every now and then
"hey John im tryna suck you dick" "nah u gay" "its fine im on a legends contract" "oh oh mb bro i thought you was on that gay shit" "nah i aint on that gay shit"
by Kjizzlekjt March 14, 2021
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that feeling you get after you finish the campaign of your contracts in a Mutliplayer game. This feeling often leads you to not want to play the game despite the fun you know you could be having.
Hay man I'm feeling contract emptiness. Could we not play TF2 today.
by Speck Speck February 7, 2018
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A deal or scam that appeals to a person's pride or self-image, but is not worth the cost. Refers to the uncustomized exclusivity contracts often offered to smaller streamers by platforms such as twitch, youtube, or discord. These deals often come with a branded hoodie and the prestige of being a platform affiliate, but are unlikely to be financially worth pulling streams and content from all other platforms.
I know it's a hoodie contract, but having a master's degree would look great on my resume.
by hoodiecontract September 11, 2020
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