A mysterious 'Flu' that was started by a huge number of juvenile pigs bunking off school in the world's largest farmyard boycott. This was immediately assumed to be a Flu Pandemic, as Humans started to bunk off school too. During a French lesson last week, the Pandemic reached Level 5 and record numbers of students did not attend their French lessons.
The Flu soon because contagious amongst humans, transferred not by touch, but by questions like "Wanna go down the shop?" and "Do you want to come round and play Xbox round my house?"
Miles: Where were you in Maths yesterday?
David: I had swine flu.
Miles: This Swine Flu Pandemic really is getting to everyone, I was one of only four people in Maths yesterday.
by ActiasLuna May 2, 2009
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What is said when one is explaining to a black person why their school field trip to six flags was canceled.
kid2: swine flu jigga
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What happens when someone hooks up with an overweight person on a one-night stand.
Aaron: "Did you see that porker Howard just left with?"

Becky: "Yeah, he's caught the swine flu."
by mightytink August 20, 2009
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It's what you would get if you got avian flu and swine flu at the same time. But that's unlikely because as we all know, PIGS CAN'T FLY.
If pigs could fly, we'd all have avian swine flu by now!!
by seanoog November 5, 2009
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A strain of Influenza thought to have originated in Mexico amongst swines(more commonly known as pigs) and completely blown out of proportion by American media causing mass panic amongst citizens lacking common sense.

An excuse like bad economy for people to lower their standards or blame a failing endeavor on.
James:"Want to freak people out?"
Carl:"Yeah bro, how so?"
James: "Lets wear sombreros and cough around people in public."
Carl:"Abusing the Swine flu epedemic!GENIOUS!"

Ryan:"Jesus we had a bad opening for the new movie 17 Again"
Amanda:"What do you expect? It's hard to do anything in the bad economy especially with the swine flu going around"
by TypicalPosterLol May 2, 2009
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the way you walk and act when you have swine flu, just chillen messed up and tired
chelsea: wow what is up with him he looks like he just got hit by a train
alex: no he's just got that swine flu swagger
by GOLYAH October 16, 2009
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A party in which many people gather in a house where someone is infected with the H1N1 influenza virus in hopes of catching it, therefore being immune.
Hey Tom, I heard Becky got the H1N1 virus and is holding a swine flu party at her apartment!
by Mr. Piglet September 2, 2009
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