There is a picture on the wall at IHOP that contains the greatest 6 letter combination known to man. What is this combination you might ask? Well I shall tell you, it is that of pancak. It is neither pan nor cak but pancak and you should be thankful its on the wall rather than on your plate.
The fry cook adding a little zest from his left nut can instantly transform and normal pancake into a PANCAK!
by PancaksFOLyfe October 12, 2007
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1. a homosexual person
2. something you eat for breakfast
3. crack
"daniel is such a pancake!"
"mmmm... these pancakes are yummylicious"
by prssie January 18, 2009
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The act of sex between two gay men, one skinny and the other extremely large, in which the large man is on top of the skinny man, flattening him in the process.
Guy 1: Hey, did you see Billy last night?
Guy 2: No I didn't, he was getting pancaked by Fat Frankie.
Guy 1: Did you check under him?
Guy 2: Nah, I prefer Waffles but I know he loves a pancaking!
by Shishkagrass October 21, 2012
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something/someone that is really really flat
Damn look at that girl her ass is a pancake!@#$%
by BrEe November 27, 2003
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when a girl has a flat ass
Darryn: Cj look-a-dat bitch righ der, she aint got no ass
Cj: hell yee, she got pancakes
by Shmeckledwarf April 28, 2008
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A code name for a hot dude that you cant stop thinking about but can be a total ass hole when he's with his friends, when he's alone with you he's sweet, funny, cute, romantic and a little weird however he seems like he likes you only when your alone.
"I wish pancake would ask me out" anna "dude he never talks to you id think he likes you" friend " You don't know that he's nice when he's alone" anna .......
by Fajita December 30, 2016
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Richard: How do you like your pancakes, Tom?
Tom: Nice and firm.
by GoodMourning13 July 18, 2010
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