Person 1: Omg have you seen Newt ( Thomas Brodie-Sangster)
Person 2: Yessss he is one SEXY ASS HUNK OF A MAN
by Newt Fannnn March 28, 2021
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a response to somebody asking if you're gay/bi/lesbian/etc. usually use if you are gay/bi/lesbian/etc.
person 1:dude are you actually (insert member of LGBTQ+ community name)
person 2: hey newt's pretty cute
by Pheonix272008 March 4, 2021
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An endangered species of newt only found, in the wonderful city we call Preston. Only a few of lucky people will come across these in their gardens.
Look mum! I just found a preston newt in the garden.
by Lunoir June 30, 2019
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"Fig Newts" a substitute for saying "figures". Primarily used when one does something they are infamous for or an event that is most likely to occur to oneself
"got drunk last night and slept with some random shrimp, and I didnt even get her name!!"


"Fig Newts"

by *PJP* May 31, 2011
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A man with a very large penis. People call him horsecock. Pocketdials his phone with his penis. Eric is usually his first name, but is occasionally called Rick or Long Shlong.
Hey is that a Shlooted Newt working at a Hardees?

Is that scott's sister with a Shlooted Newt?
by TurdInspector145 July 5, 2013
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Disease of believing Newt Gingrich would actually make a good President.
Sean: Newt-a-Mania is sweeping America. Newt Gingrich is a great American.
John: Newt Gingrich is fat.
by makivelli March 7, 2012
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Not Melie’s wife
Newts wife is not Melie’s wife.
by Sperm killer March 30, 2021
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