Verb: tweaker mission; tweaking on something for multiple hours; flailing
Person 1: "Hey bro can you come pick me up?"
Person 2: " Yeah, I can after I finish ka-flailing on my truck"
by Squishy and WiggleWorm February 1, 2022
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A bar flai is someone who frequents bars looking for drugs because the local dealers don’t want to deal with them.
Don’t talk to that bar flail. He might rip you off
by Eff security April 6, 2019
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(video games) to risk using a melee attack in order to stay alive. This usually occurs when the player is low on ammunition or is due to reload, The odds of success are low but a successful attempt is often celebrated with a sigh of relief or an exuberant shout of victory.
Gamer one: " Remember that sweet flail Mary I pulled off last night? That totally won us the match."

Gamer Two: " You want a medal to go with that swelling head of yours? Get over yourself you poser."
by Knoxford English Dictionary January 12, 2015
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Urban Flail

(Er-bun Flale)

The act of placing 12-18” long pieces of duct tape upside down on a busy thoroughfare, complete with ends twisted around payloads of feline and/or dog feces.

The Urban Flail should not be performed against anyone you do not have deep distaste for. Strangers are perfectly acceptable as well.

*use with caution*
*avoid routes popular with law enforcement*
“Dude, I can’t believe what he said about your sister.”

“You’re right bud. It’s time for an urban flail.
by Choam Nomsky December 2, 2017
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An action one does to another when they have been pissed off. First, the annoying friend is grabbed by the nut sack. The person is then lifted into the air by their nut sack. For dramatic effect, you can throw them around in the air, while still holding the nut sack.

Warning: This action may cause rumors of your homosexuality
Annoying Friend: *Is Annoying*
You: Shut up right now or I'm gonna pull a Philadelphia flail on you!
by Just_Some_Random_Dude January 22, 2020
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Living your life in uncertainty, or confusion. Acting, and doing things without clear purpose or a sense of what is needed but doing it anyway because you want to feel like you're doing something.
Becky "How have you been?'
Sam "Flailing, mostly."
Becky "Oh yup, did you finish that thing you had talked about?"
Sam "No, I don't have the right pieces, and I have no money, and if I don't get back to work soon I'm going to lose my apartment."
by high on ginger September 4, 2023
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The motion an octopus uses to get around. Often associated with having a stroke or other sudden muscle spasm.

How to: first, reach your arms out in front of you. Make sure there is a significant distance between them. Second, slowly move your elbows together and let your hands follow with a delay. Move your elbows outwards when there is about two inches between them. Once again let your hands follow with a delay. Let your elbows get far enough away from each other so you are now in a "going in for a hug" position. Repeat this process at a fast pace.
Person1: what's that guy doing?

Person: looks to me he's having a stroke or something, he's flailing like an octopus.
by [ ] May 12, 2017
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