Christopher is an outstanding person. He’s intelligent, funny, handsome, and very loving. If you’re an person that he loves very much, he’ll around the world and back to make you happy. Although he’s very intelligent, he’ll make choices that aren’t exactly the smartest. Overall, Christopher is an Outstanding person!
Person 1: Are you friends with Christopher ?
Person 2: Yes.
Person 3: How is he?
Person 4: He’s one-of-a-kind
by 2SHeIsTy July 4, 2022
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Christopher's are very tall and hairy but have great smiles and are only shy in front of elders. But when they are around their freinds they get hype and "do the most" and are very physical. Lots of Christopher's play physical sports such as football. Christopher's are loving people when it comes to family or they boo. But especially they boo. Christopher's love having girlfreinds who are freaky because Christopher's are master's of the sheets. Christopher's are different in front of friends than they are with their lover. Christopher's are very loud, obnoxious and, childish. Christophers will pick on people at times bigger or smaller and sometimes will take a pill they can't swallow.
Kisha: Christopher is so loud and big so he's such a target

Tanya: I know but his smile is so perfect and when we were dating he treated me so well

Monique: And I heard he can be a lil freaky too
by Charles johnsom April 2, 2019
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A really nice and kind person one of the nicest you could ever meet very loving and can be shy at times a little bit of a trouble maker and will meet a girl /boy and be very loyal to them he/she will meet them around the middle school or high school this person is very funny
Christopher oh my gosh
by Rose lynnR June 6, 2018
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Yo, Vlad, who is that kid over there?
It's Christopher, you know David just without glasses eh!
by wanking December 12, 2016
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Christopher is and always a awesome person. Shows off to his friends but is kind to people that he cares about. Christopher is a serious person but if you know him deep down, he is caring loving and your best friend. He puts a smile on your face when you are down. Even though he is busy at times he always think of his loved ones! If I were to give someone that spreads courage, it would be him. He shows he cares through the words he says and the actions he makes. Sometimes, he makes wrong choices to somethings but when he really wants something done he sticks to it. Christopher is a keeper if you find one. He also warns your heart when down and makes stupid jokes but honestly regrets if he hurts someone. Don’t get upset if he makes a joke about you, he is teasing you cause he loves you deeply or he just really cares for you! He makes and creates dirty jokes and he makes the best puns ever! Christopher is a great friend to have and Best friend!! Also Christopher is passionate to what he does and he is quit a gentle man. He flirts with you and hopefully he sees that you like it and continues. He also melts your heart and makes you feel safe! Christopher is the best person to know when you need a friend!
I love my Christopher because he is always there
by Sweet cake Liz September 7, 2018
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An EXTREAMLY fineee guy with nice nipples, ass and penis =).
Has sudden outbreaks of being a complete jackass, but makes it up to you edventually. Christopher's aren't afraid to pleasure a guy's needs as well..lucky fools!! =D.
Becca- "Wow, did you just see that hot stud walk by?"

Kaitlyn- "Yea gurll..James and I slept with him last weekend."

James- "Dayumm straight we did. It was pre much the most fabulousss experience ever!!"

James- "Yo. Christopher. We still on for next weekend?"

Christopher- "Yea dude. I call top this time ;)."
by 151yum March 8, 2009
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A Peruvian slang term for "hand job," also a common name in South America.

The name is commonly misspelled "Chestyfurr."
Dexter: Hey bro, Chris gave me a Christopher.

Khamid: Oh yeah, How was your Christopher?

Dexter: That was the best Christopher I've ever had. Chirs did a great job with my Christopher.

Khamid: Did you pay him?

Dexter: No, Chirs did it for free.
by Blow me 155 (: March 4, 2009
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