a stocking cap, or Baseball cap not being fully worn, usually worn by african Americans. Sit on top of the head, but doesnt fall off

usually not fully around the head, if it is defying gravity your bloop is in full effect
TI: he is seen in many pictures wearin a "Bloop or Bloop hat"

in the Video "Bring Em Out" T.I is wearing a bloop

Jermany: Yo check out my bloop
Stefan: Damn yo bloop is in full effect
Jermany: shut up nigglet
by Stefanhizzle December 14, 2007
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when a question on sex was asked to a girl, she looked blooped.
by uttam maharjan October 24, 2011
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to be sexually unactive
Man, he's blooping.
by Keifjliszzle December 20, 2008
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Also referred to as a "blooper", a shot in NHL 08 that bulges the twine and hits no posts.
"Ohhhhh, he dangles, and a nice little bloop(er) finish."
by myltke December 25, 2007
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the act of a girl needing to take a really big shit while having her period.
He was fucking me up the ass cause i had my period and when he pulled out i blooped all over his white carpeted floor.
by LIZzyFbAbY July 11, 2008
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A disgusting mixture of feces and menstrual blood, usually mixed with the intent to use during sexual intercourse in an obscene nature.

Blood + Poop = Bloop
"I hear that girl is nasty. She drank a cup of her own bloop!"
by erkdaclerk October 26, 2007
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