The sound made when a narrow turd hits water.
(sound of a person breathing a bit heavily... a brief pause.. ) bloop!
by Happenstance May 4, 2010
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Blooping is what happens to a defeated enemy in the Mario series, such as a Goomba. When Mario steps on them, or hits them with a fireball, they bloop. This is very different from dying, as the when something bloops, it vanishes as opposed to something that is dead that remains there in a motionless form. Once blooped, the enemy sits in a mythical holding zone until a future attempt by Mario or one of his cohorts to complete the level, in which case the blooped enemy resumes its normal activities as if nothing happened.
Mario hits the koopa with a fireball, making it bloop. Mario then falls in a hole and starts the level over again, and the blooped koopa comes back from the holding zone to do the exact same thing yet again.
by Debunkerino February 22, 2011
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When you do something that should end up in the blooper role of your life.
Esteban mumbled incoherently whilst tripping on his own foot and violently sneezing. He just had a bloop.
by grammasbest74 November 29, 2018
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the universal sound effect that can be nearly applied to anything.

origins: Super Mario Brothers
Jas: Hey Minh!
Minh: Bloop!
by Minimus July 27, 2005
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