the person of which whom you are sometimes also referred to as a BIRD
"that guy is being a total bird", "No!, a horse taint"
by Pissingonbabyturtles February 18, 2021
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There was a hair on the guy's taint that stood when something wasn't right.
by The Original Agahnim November 23, 2021
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the region between the ballsack and the asshole for a man and the vagina and the asshole for a woman
daym that shawty has a fine ass taint
by Soviet_Doggo69 September 6, 2021
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One who feels extremely shitty or wants to express deep emotion of horrible feeling.
David king I drank too much last night and I feel like utter taint
by Mikehawk75 April 15, 2021
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A word used to say Goodbye, or to disingage from a conversation
by Mrshmat November 4, 2018
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Bro: Dude this party is turnt!
Me: Nah bro, it's TAINT!
by not_your_hoe November 18, 2017
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