when you feel arousal in your taint
Did you see Timmy's dank memes? They made my taint tingle.
by Swagmaster420PussyPounder February 2, 2016
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The remains of a fart that produces a splatter of shit on one's taint.
"I thought I farted, but when i wiped, the paper revealed that I had a large amount of taint sparkles."
by klickklackpow December 29, 2011
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A round brown crust build up on the corners of your butt hole sometimes called the ass cheese
Wow that kid is one goochie taint
by Gang yeet August 20, 2017
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1. A sex slave who washes taints

2. An insult for a bitch who might as well wash taints
“You little taint washer, wash my taint!”
by NRShits September 12, 2020
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The brown liquid like substance trailing (looks like a snail's trail) form the anal cavity all the way to the balls or vagina. people who do not shower or clean themselves properly have this. and it can lead up to swamp ass.
Person 1: Dude I was gonna eat that thot out, but then I seen some brown stuff dripping on her taint!

Person 2: Ewww bro. sounds like she had some serious snail taint
by bounty4lf July 9, 2015
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The rotting of one's taint caused by diabetes medicine.
That new medicine the dr put me on for diabetes helped but now I got some serious taint rot.
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