word used to describe someone's outfit when their too lazy to say "out".
by blahblahblah321123 March 4, 2021
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like hot liek sexy like beautiful liek fuckable like yummy
u have to be fit before u do cheerleading cos like cheerleaders are hot
by ronaldo+sofia4eva December 11, 2020
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Fit means hot in Brittish slang
George(Memeulous)- Damn Alex, that girl is fit!
Alex(imallexx)- I know right mate
by Suicidalgirl2005 February 7, 2019
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very old definition I'm want see
Bzbabz fits
by a failed attempt April 17, 2021
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When something or someone looks good in whatever circumstances. Spelled F i T and typically pronounced with an elongated sound such as "FFFFFiiiTTT".
Damn, your hair still looks FiT after that workout.
Dude, you're hella FiT.
by VolleysForDays September 3, 2015
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A British version of hot or sexy. Commonly used by teenagers.
Boy: "you know that girl"
Boy2:"yeh shes fit as fuck"
Boy1:"Back off prick she's mine"
by Oooo yahhh March 26, 2017
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Extremely good looking, synonymous with hot and sexy . British slang, relatively unknown in US.
Woaa! That Vicky's well fit.

She ain't my type bro

Nah you always were blind, that chics loaded.
by Grilla killa October 22, 2018
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