typing with just the thumbs, as in, on a smart phone or mini tablet.
In the modern classroom, passed notes have been replaced by students thumb typing messages to one another.
by Grammerican September 16, 2013
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A tranny. Once a girl, now a boy.
"I wanna be a real boy!"
" 'He' is a Pinocchio type, so be careful not to say anything offensive"
by Epithet2 April 14, 2021
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A condition afflicting a person, who, through slovenliness or malcoordinated sausage fingers, cannot type a coherent sentence for their lives.
The life of a man haunted by his type impediment..
Girl on fb: Hey, king george the VI, how's things? xx
King George VI: ajnca girmg nf 3of dsfnosdn @Nns sdkv? yy
King George VI: *Im garet tnkahs, now are you dnoig?
King George VI: *I'm fine thanks, how are you?
by royston white May 15, 2014
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Something that your iPhone says when you sneeze
*undo typing?* says iPhone

Me: kys
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Used as satire and an extension of the term “weeb.” It describes any individual with an anime girl, femboy, catboy, catgirl, or furry profile picture on their social media. Can also be used to describe annoying kids or anyone that views themselves as “quirky.”

The only weakness of the Pokémon Sableye
He changed his profile picture to a cat girl. I’ve lost all respect for that fairy type.

You’re talking like a true fairy type.
by Vindic1 April 2, 2023
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ideal type, definition: a type of person that catches your eye. a type of person you're interested in. it can be a celebrity or just characterists/face features. henceforth, why julia thinks your cute no matter what you think
Mc: why would you like them?
Friend: because theyre my ideal type!
by xlostwasfoundx January 16, 2023
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