FUD is an acronym for "Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt" and is commonly used in the cryptocurrency community as a short way to describe negative information about a blockchain based currency or asset.
by goodcore May 16, 2016
by you October 28, 2001
"Your a fud"
"I rolled over in bed and accidently kneed her in the fud. She woke with a scream and punched me in the balls"
"I rolled over in bed and accidently kneed her in the fud. She woke with a scream and punched me in the balls"
by big gee from glasgow April 29, 2005
The Epicurean way offers such refreshment in the face of extremism, division, and as my father would put it: "fud” (fear, uncertainty and doubt).
by The Autarkist December 20, 2014
by neonhest September 16, 2006