Pilled to the gills” is a term commonly used amongst nicotine users when ingesting a quantity that far exceeds the standard dosage for a mortal man. Typically used in conjunction with, “I’m booted up” or the ever popular, “You’re about to get dogwalked”.
Person A: What are you up to?
*Person B puts in excessive amount of nicotine pouches*
Person B: I’m getting pilled to the gills right now, on God
by N8C95 May 15, 2023
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(Blank)pilled. To be in a contate state of. To be always (blank).
"Oh, I'm basedpilled as fuck." I am literally always right.
"I'm so clearpilled." I am constantly in the right state of mind.
by Nagasan October 1, 2023
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1. A container that holds your pills that hooks onto your keychain

2. A person that is always taking some form of medication just because they can.
Wow! Jimmy is such a pill fob...he can't even walk straight!
by MSU Chick April 19, 2008
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"Don't stop to think now" is a subliminal backmasked message from The Hand of Doom by Black Sabbath, Paranoid album.
So drop the ozzy pill,
Don't stop to think now.
by MineOwedWu's January 14, 2021
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Any type of pill given to a person with the intentions of rendering the person unconscious.
I cannot sleep tonight, I think I will take a Cosby pill to knock me out!
by Oneleggedwonder July 10, 2018
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Doesn't make you smarter. You're still a nimrod its just that you think stupid faster
Me: Hey dude I just took some Brain Pills.

Bob: Wow you're stupid faster
by lucasjsl January 25, 2020
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A mindset for someone who only plays Nintendo and Indie games. Commonly, these people look down upon those who play Fifa, Call of Duty, or Madden.
yo, this take is awfully Chude-Pilled”
by Wilsondo August 23, 2022
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