Slang by tweekers for one 12 count of Sudafed usually in aluminum foil pack..slips are nessacary in making meth.....slips are worth more than cash
I need 48 slips for a batch
I'll trade slips for shit
by Queenowords November 30, 2016
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slang for shoes, another word for slips is "kicks"
Person A: Yoooo Timmy, where'd you get your slips? They're so cool!
Timmy: Yeah ikr they're air jordans
by rocketreevor January 18, 2023
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Hey G, I like your slip
by the_mad_slipr February 26, 2023
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(Noun) An offensive word describing an adolescent, specifically a male, who has not hit puberty yet.
That slip's voice drives me nuts.
by ClassicMeglomaniac April 23, 2017
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When a musician who plays a stringed instrument accidentally skips a few parts/loses track of progress in a musical piece/score due to the obsession to that other part that they skipped to in a musical piece.
I was playing Tchaikovsky's 4 Seasons on my violin; I loved that fast allegretto so much because it sounded so difficult yet so elegant and pleasant at the same time. Whilst playing that fast allegretto part, I realized I was rushing and that I skipped a few measures ahead of my other fellow musicians, and so the mistake embarrassed me and caused me to return back to the pace of the other musicians, which was no easy task, and since they were playing so quickly, I had to follow the cue with much difficulty. This is the worst String Slip of my life!!
by Urbane and Dictive October 20, 2022
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The act of slipping in the shart that dripped down your leg on to the floor
Man Holden sharted so much it dropped on the floor and don slipped in it. It was a slip shart
by Holden D. Snuts December 4, 2022
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When the subject (man or woman) gets pants'd or in the odd case, shirted... without the subject knowing. Shame and embarrassment inevitably overwhelms them.
Bro! That sucker just got slipped!!!

Yo, Stacey got slipped huge in gym class yesterday! Friggin on-point!

Damnit! Got slipped again!...... Good thing that wasn't a "full slip"
by Ask Steve April 3, 2015
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