4 definitions by caspertheUFO

When someone is sussy, a baka, a hentai, and also an imposter.
Person 1: dude, that Jimmy is so sus
Person 2: nah he's a whole ass imposter
by caspertheUFO January 7, 2022
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obeast is when someone is obese or overweight but also a beast. (a chad).
Person 1: Damm Uncle Iroh is the best character from ATLA.
Person 2: Yeah, he's the ultimate obeast.
Person 1: Say what?
Person 1: Wow that guy is so fat.
Person 2: He is such a chad tho.
Person 3: What an obeast!
by caspertheUFO October 25, 2022
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The only correct way to pronounce and spell what is widely known as the LGBT.
David: Oh yeah, I'm proud to be a member of the elgibbity.
Ann: The what now?
David: You know, the alphabet mafia. The fruitloops.
Ann: Oh, now I understand. Why didn't I pronounce it that way before? It clearly is the superior way.
by caspertheUFO August 2, 2022
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when a transgender person who hasn't realized their identity, slips up, so to speak, and refers to themselves as their actual identity
Person 1: Ugh, women shouldn't do things like that, right man?
Person 2: Why shouldn't I be able to do that?
Person 1: But you're a man...
Person 3: Did I just catch an egg slip???
by caspertheUFO August 19, 2022
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