Someone who is always too warm, or a the opposite of a freeze baby. Heat babies get so little attention compared to freeze babies, because for some reason everyone would rather cool off rather then have the awesome feeling of warming up
Jane doe: omg its so cold in this place, I’m such a freeze baby
John smith and every other guy there: are fkin nutz, its 70 god damn degrees, im a heat baby and i feel like my balls are about to burn off, get a fkin blanket asshole, you can put on layers but im cant fkin strip off my fat
by TheTruthHurtasswipe February 21, 2021
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Opposite of a freeze baby, someone who is always to warm and hates the high temperatures. In the winter time they will wear shorts instead of pants, and roll the windows down in the car or have the ac blowing accept when its below 0 degrees farenheit, there is a limit.
I hate being a heat baby, everyones shivering while I’m sweatin my ass off
by Gspice31 October 9, 2022
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To spray heat is to get that sexualy aroused the female sparys bodily fluids from her vagina
So I was going down on Emily. for a chew

And she was so keen she was spraying heat in my face
by The Ozzie mullet December 6, 2020
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People who use the restroom hand-dryers to excessively warm their hands and/or body, and sometimes dry their hair.
My hands are still wet because the heat hoarder was taking forever with the hand dryer.
by Crazy M. October 6, 2011
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When you are self-treating a minor sprain and cannot remember if you apply ice first, then heat. Or heat than ice. Further complicated by the fact no one really knows no matter who you ask.
Jimmy applied ice to his sprained wrist then a heat pad. Then he applied the heat pad, then ice. He was covering his bases because he was trapped in the ice heat defeat.
by Grant Rampus November 25, 2019
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A phrase used to describe a piece of media or content or thing that is good.
“ did you fellas see that new episode of Seinfeld?”

you bet I did , slick. It was a real heat rock
by Joshy jo July 28, 2021
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