A female pirate that refuses to acknowledge that she pisses her self and smells of month old piss and refuse to change her pissed smelling carharts. And also a poor excuse of a pirate
1That piss wench is at it again in her nasty piss smelling carharts that piss wench is not our pirate. 2 that piss wench is drunk and delushional and thinking that she is the captain. When all she is a. A pathethetic piss wench
by Bullwinkle O'Reilly April 4, 2019
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A being, either male or female, that is at the beck and call of all other members of a flat/house/squalid abode. A House Wench cannot answer back, refuse requests for high quality food or drink and must be willing to clean the aforementioned flat/house/squalid abode at a moment's notice.

A House Wench has usually been awarded this position for previous wenchiness behaviour; examples may include multiple refusals to attend social gatherings, persistent lateness and showing suspect Youtube videos to a mass audience. Once given the position of House Wench, the being must accept his role graciously.

There is only one way to be granted leave from the position of House Wench - the being must find another being that he/she feels demonstrates wench-like behaviour of such a high degree that the original House Wench is no longer required.
"Fabio, fetch me a Italian Sausage, Spinach, and Ricotta Cannelloni. No complaints about cleaning the house - you are the House Wench after all"
by Housewench123 May 18, 2014
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A person, usually female, who has children and milks the system for all the government assistance they can get. This person usually has no life goals and makes absolutely no plans for economic self-sufficiency, generally assuming that they will be able to live off of the government forever. In the most extreme cases these individuals will not only live off welfare, but will also take in a baby daddy, unbeknownst to the welfare office. The goal of this is extra income and to help baby daddy avoid paying his own child support.
Yeah, ever since he got that welfare wench pregnant he hasn't been coming around to see his other kids and he stopped paying his child support too. Damn skanks messing up the system for the rest of us.
by TyAdalyn August 31, 2010
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She was such a skanky wench, chilling with all those stoners on that pirate ship.
by chevygurl25 September 10, 2007
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The female response to the Anrgy Pirate..when a man is going down on a girl, she pulls her lips off his face, and nuts in his eye. Upon doing this, he will let out some sort of grunt of disapproval, and at this point she kicks him in the shin. This poor guy, being jizz drenched and hurt, will hobble after your laughing ass.
Yo, your brother was giving me such good head I had to give him the angry wench - last I saw him he was choking and saying something about being waterboarded!
by J & J TwinTards October 22, 2009
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typically, a term applied to females of African descent (but technically can be applied to all non-white women of all colors; i.e. yellow, black, brown , tan) who gives herself to white men of high status sexually in exchange for privileges, promotions, etc. at the expense of turning her back on the people in her community. The term originated from female 'house slaves' back during American slavery.
The character Sheba who plays Leonardo DiCaprio's mistress in the movie Django is a bed wench. The character Olivia Pope played by actress Kerry Washington on the tv show 'Scandal' is a bed wench.
by morpheousneotrinity December 28, 2013
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The heart of a sweet fairy, the mind of a feisty wench.
Play nice, and Fairy Wench will bake you cookies. Be mean, and you shall meet up with her spork.
by Fairy Wench March 31, 2009
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