Short form is PW. A teacher, Alakh Pandey, who used to humbly teach physics on a small whiteboard for JEE/NEET, though they were mains/boards level. His style of teaching was entertaining and gained a lot of fans over time. He went on to make a unicorn company for providing education for competitive exams at a lower cost than offline coaching institutes.

Unfortunately his fanbase is immature and toxic, they are blind followers of him that go around commenting on YouTube about how great he is. The teachers on his platform focus on entertainment more than studying. You can't sit trough one lecture without hearing two "Shayaris" or a love story of the teacher. PW is seriously overrated compared to what the fans claim it to be.
Guy 1: PW is not an institute, PW is emotion. PW OPOPOPOP!!!
Guy 2: For the love of god, shut the fuck up and padhle bsdk
Guy 1: No sala you shut up arey! PW is our GOD! I am in 11th right now but I will get IIT B CSE and prove it to you!
--2 years later--
Guy 1: FUCK I'm taking a drop
Guy 2: Oh yeah? What about PW and all?
Guy 1: Fuck that Shit. I wish I would have joined an offline institute and actually studied properly instead of being a PW stan.

Moral: No matter where you study from, you will get a good rank only if you actually study. And there are much better places to study for JEE than PW. That said, Physics Wallah is doing a great job in helping people with financial problems and providing them education at low cost, even free(to some extent)
by PhysicsWallah July 13, 2022
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They claim its physics but its more like a class to fail the shit out of everyone!!! at Purdue.... The homework is harder than a semester project, and the tests are made for PHD studetns.. But its a freshmen course!
I gave up on my home work after working on it for 1 whole week....oh god this Physics 172!!!!!
by Sid Da Kid and Rich da Man.... November 3, 2010
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The nuclear components that comprise the core of a nuclear weapon; as opposed to the non-nuclear components.

The combination of fissile uranium/plutonium, fusion fuel, high explosive lenses, tampers, and x-ray reflecting materials would be considered the 'physics package'. Other components of a weapon, such as guidance systems, triggers, and motors or engines would not.
I want you to open up this Tomahawk missile, so we can see what's gone wrong. But don't touch the physics package!
by i'mbatman December 13, 2009
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The art of representing the beauty of the bouncing bosom in a dynamic three-dimensional digital enviornment.
Jiggle physics can be found in any video game of the Dead or Alive series
by anarcholis January 12, 2007
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The Phenomenon of the fringe being lifted to great heights without the aid of gel caused by having been sitting with one's head resting on one's non-writing hand for the extended time required to complete Physics problems.
*Upon running into a Physics room-mate in the kitchen at 2am exhibiting the symptoms:

"Wow, dude. Nice Physics hair."
by seeco March 14, 2010
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I give up! Quantum Physics is just too hard! How do people even come up with this stuff?!

What the hell is reality???!!!
by CommandoDude August 6, 2010
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