OP-EAA - An amazing non corporate non profit making music promotions collective / who's members are all Like-minded, shared ethix people of similar backgrounds & political upbringings, who strive to PROMOTE on a Social Media Platform & Websites & promote UNITY thru MUSIC - MUNIFY

Outta Promotions - EAA promoted our music & event on their media sites and WE ARE NOW SOOOOO POPULAR that OP-EAA are deffo the BEST promo collective we know to date -USE EM-THEY WILL MAKE U HEARD

OP-EAA YOU D BEST OP-EAA munify music promotionsoutta promotions -EAA
by chaos girl May 20, 2016
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Means to stay outta the buisness den to not get yo ass wooped
Ayee stay outta the mix nigga
by Savage xx February 10, 2018
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The cool way of saying "Get out?!" Or "No way!" Also a way of saying "Shut the fuck up." Like in disbelief or pure pissed offedness.
Jimmy: "Yo I drank five whole beers and I ain't even buzzin."
Tyler: "Fuck outta here."

Jimmy: "Wait, 5 times 5 is 25.. Right?"
Tyler: "Fuck outta here."

Jimmy: "Lil Wayne is by far the best rapper of all time."
Tyler: "Fuck outta here."

Jimmy: "Dude I got head from that dime you were hitting on last night!"
Tyler: "Fuck outta here."
by Tin6996 April 27, 2013
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An acronym/phrase for Get The F*ck Outta Here.
"No way! Mary won the lottery?! GTF outta here! That's great!"

"You want me to type all those reports? GTF outta here. I don't think so."
by real-diculous November 30, 2011
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When a man cums in an embarrassingly short amount of time.
Fran: So, how was that guy you took home last night?
Gemma: Don't ask, 30 seconds in and he was straight outta gatorade.
by mattpacer May 15, 2016
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