I was grindin' on a hottie last night, and ended up going home with her holla buttons.
by Crimefish22 February 14, 2009
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A term used to lengthen the lasting appeal of a "Holla!". Mostly used as a way to show approval of something, the term can also be used at will and does not need to make sense in conversation. A good bro will always reply with a loud "Holla!".
Thomas: Let's go get some ribs, and watch the game.
Christian: HOLLA AMOEBA!
Thomas: Yo, what train are you taking?
Christian: HOLLA AMOEBA!
by Thomas Lagrange January 27, 2009
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get back to me,
yo holla back
by roxanne December 9, 2003
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When a guy tries to get the number of every beautiful woman he sees.
My friend Dan turned into a Holla Monster last night at the bar. I understand he hasn't had a date in a long time, but he literally tried to hit on every hot woman he came across.
by Christocoop July 27, 2020
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A single can of Arizona Iced Tea. Called Dolla Holla because of its ability to be purchased for only one dollar.
Very popular among high school/college students because of its low price, high deliciousness, and large size (16.oz).
Person A: hmm. im really thirsty, but i only have one dollar.

Person B: grab a dolla holla! you get like 3 times the drink for for 1/2 the price
by woonsauce April 18, 2009
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When a woman yells up into a man's butthole to make his prostate vibrate so he cums without having to even jerk off.
T-bone says to his buddy - "Yo my girl gave me a holla job last night. She went like this 'T-BONE WAZZZZZUPPPP!!!!!' Man I came so fast I didn't have to jerk it or nuthin.
by Conflitm749 October 22, 2013
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