Sex Position: When you have intercourse with a girl in a bath tub and grab her by the hair and as you thrust you simultaneously slam her head against the taps.
I had such a rough night, my boyfriend gave me a Leicester Headache
by MissHit69 February 16, 2014
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Man I have the only Jewish headache. My bills are late and credit card debt is over the roof.
by Charlitozway February 21, 2008
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A friends younger sibling, usually very annoying and loud. Talks too much and is relentlessness in questions and annoying or retarded antics.
Nick: Seb, your cousin marcel is such a fucking headache machine.

Seb: Yea I know dude I'm sorry he is such a fag.
by Nick Brizz August 14, 2011
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A specific form of hangover resulting from a bad ass night of drinking way too much Manischewitz.
Yo J, Cool T, I woke up with the worst jew headache this morning, I pounded back half a bottle of Manischewitz to the dome last night.
by eli8228 April 17, 2007
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a bad migraine headache that starts like a brain freeze, something that happens after sipping a very cold Strawberry Daiquiri.
You order a very cold Strawberry Daiquiri, and you drink it all the way down without stopping. You will get a brain freeze. Well this is what you feel when you wake up in the morning, and you call it a freezer headache. Man, do I have a Freezer Headache.
by Md Cole October 2, 2008
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Similar to Jungle Fever, Shanghai headache is the condition wherein a non-Asian (usually a white guy) obsesses over/primarily (or only) dates Asians. See also Asian Fever, Rice King, and Fanboy.
1: He must have a Shanghai Headache
2: Why do you say that?
1: Because of the way he always slows down passing the ESL room.
by Chupalo January 13, 2006
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The throbbing of your pussy after having hours of hard aggressive rough sex
Girl I just fucked for hours and now I have a pussy headache
by Anonymous sex addict February 18, 2021
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