A person who is employed at a shoppers drug mart, instead of being employed at a grocery store, therefor attaining the name “baby shoppers employee
Swamp: haha you work at baby shoppers stupid baby shoppers employee
Josh: nooooooooo I work superstore I not baby
by Swampedbandit April 19, 2022
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Phantomm (McDonald's Employee) Is an amazing Minecraft player that is a GOD at PVP, Building, and getting bitches.

Do you know Phantomm (McDonald's Employee)?
Yes! His dick was sooo big and hard
Phantomm (McDonald's Employee) is amazing
Phantomm (McDonald's Employee) is hot
Phantomm (McDonald's Employee) is sexy
Phantomm (McDonald's Employee) has a big dick
by Phantomm (McDonald's Employee) February 1, 2022
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An employee that won't move unless you hit them with something (metaphorically speaking). An employee who lacks initiative and the ability to grasp the "big picture."
She is such a golf ball employee she won't learn anything new unless she fears for her job.
by amberinabq June 28, 2013
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Disgruntled employee is a person that was not qualified for the job, but was insisting so much, and begging to the employer to give him/her a chance and hire him/her. Then, after he/she is on the job, he feels he is entitled to do whatever he wants now, and employer is now his prisoners because of labor laws and OH&S laws, and other laws. In his heart, he hates manager, the company, and the job that is generously paying for his bills while he even does not deserve it. He/she does not try to improve his skills and feels it is the manager's job to teach him/her everything, when he/she feels he/she is in the mood to learn anything new.

He/she does not work and wastes time, and his/her intentions are to use the company as much as possible, and use it as a stepping stone to find his/her next victim employer. Disgruntled employee is a person that other employers should be aware of and try not become his/her next victim.
I hired Mr. ABIAAAAAMAbola last year. He presented himself to be a very professional person and asked me to give him a chance. After one month on the job, he did not deliver any tasks I asked him to do and was making people go around circles. I eventually laid him off. He went and made several claims under OH&S and Labor laws, which both were rejected. He gave us lots of headaches. Mr. ABIAAAAAMAbola was a disgruntled employee.
by Paul - The Great April 20, 2020
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money or an equivalent given in addition to an employee's usual compensation
Top executives at AIG received really nice Christmas Employee Retention Fees this year.
by Steve December 12, 2008
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The front line admissions representatives at main campus at Central New Mexico Community College, Albuquerque, NM. You guys are the most awesomestly fantastic employees known to mankind.
front campus fantastic awesomestly admissions employees awesomestly fantastic employees
by Wonder Woman 75 October 1, 2013
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