1 definition by Paul - The Great

Disgruntled employee is a person that was not qualified for the job, but was insisting so much, and begging to the employer to give him/her a chance and hire him/her. Then, after he/she is on the job, he feels he is entitled to do whatever he wants now, and employer is now his prisoners because of labor laws and OH&S laws, and other laws. In his heart, he hates manager, the company, and the job that is generously paying for his bills while he even does not deserve it. He/she does not try to improve his skills and feels it is the manager's job to teach him/her everything, when he/she feels he/she is in the mood to learn anything new.

He/she does not work and wastes time, and his/her intentions are to use the company as much as possible, and use it as a stepping stone to find his/her next victim employer. Disgruntled employee is a person that other employers should be aware of and try not become his/her next victim.
I hired Mr. ABIAAAAAMAbola last year. He presented himself to be a very professional person and asked me to give him a chance. After one month on the job, he did not deliver any tasks I asked him to do and was making people go around circles. I eventually laid him off. He went and made several claims under OH&S and Labor laws, which both were rejected. He gave us lots of headaches. Mr. ABIAAAAAMAbola was a disgruntled employee.
by Paul - The Great April 20, 2020
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