when a girl's nipples are huge and really dark, looking like Hershey's Milk Duds
Woah! that girl's nipples look like some milk duds
by Nathan727 November 12, 2007
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Complete opposite of a stud-muffin. Not sexy, not cool - a dud.
"That new guy turned out to be a total dud-muffin. He's a real dork."
by Swingal October 12, 2008
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The act of shitting, usually refers to smaller, almond-style turds that break off neatly.
Hey, I'm on the toilet right now, soon as I get done tossin' the duds, I'll call you back.
by Bill B. June 24, 2005
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One who has a closed mind and is confined to tradition and
doesn't see the need to be constructively creative. Laziness.
Often demanding groveling.
We can't expand,
we can't create,
we can't do what is best for everyone etc.
because of various stupid reasonings.
by Linda Benbow January 6, 2004
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The husband of a MILF who cannot sexually fulfill their hot wife and is completely oblivious about it

See Steve Letourneau
Jacob is such a MILF dud because works long hours everyday while his wife sleeps with the pool boy.
by Ere May 17, 2007
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Duds of Sussex (noun.) Alternative title given to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. (Dud, single masculine noun. Dudsness, single feminine noun. Duds, short plural noun. Dudling, Dudlings, dimunitive single and plural nouns).

Referring to their career failures. From the Dudsness' 72 days of actual royal service, the Dud's poorly ghost written memoir, Jeremy Zimmer, prestigious talent representative at UTA, called the Dudsness "not a great audio talent, or necessarily any kind of talent", and both Duds were called "f***ing grifters" by Spotify executive Bill Simmons. Further, their charity was called into question when public disclosures revealed they work 1 hour per week.

Personal blunders include lying about a 2 hour, "near catastrophic", high speed paparazzi car chase in New York City. NYC Mayor Eric Adams and the NYPD stated that no chase occurred and the Duds of Sussex "arrived safely home".

Hypocritically, the Duds of Sussex left the United Kingdom for the United States—a country which successfully fought a war to be free from the Crown's rule. However, they demand that people in the USA address them and their children by peerage titles. The USA does not have a system of nobility and ruthlessly satirized the couple on the cartoon "South Park". (Season 26, episode 2, "Worldwide Privacy Tour").

In a gesture of goodwill, the US citizens have bestowed a title crafted exclusively for them: The Duds of Sussex. Their children are to be called "Dudlings".
The Duds of Sussex are egomaniacial grifters.
by US Citizens July 7, 2023
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Noun. Also "Dollar Store Dud".

A term used to describe a cheap item bought from a cheap store, online or offline, that is defective or doesn't work. Usually refers to items that contain multiple pieces, such as batteries or balloons, and are halfway expected to contain at least one abnormal unit.
Dave: "What the fuck? I bought like 3 packages of AA batteries at the dollar store and 4 of them didn't even work. Bullshit man."

Tyler: "Well, you should have expected some dollar duds in there considering how cheap they were."
by old joe crow April 2, 2018
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