
Coffee ?

Tried that last week ..

On the off chance ..

Kinda like daring fate but on my terms ..

But that can only be in one’s head surely? ;)

This week less options on days ..

A time, a place ?

Lol fine … Thursday morning, maybe 10ish I might grab coffee .. and sit in … briefly …

My only haunt …

You should know it

Oh .. who knows .. maybe I happened to bump into you, I’d offer to buy you one .. or whatever your fancy …

Haha strangely went past the pub and thought hmmm maybe we’d even grab a drink there one day ..

This optimism will not last… :D

Must of been a good day ..
Coffee ..

You wanted to know my likes and dislikes .. what makes me angry…

I think if really you and you pay attention you know all this already ..

For you the best bits will be what you don’t know .. surely ..

The kind of things ..

Like as you get to know someone ..
by LetsTalkAboutX May 1, 2023
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also known as satanist poop it was invented in 4000bc by a satanist cult in ethopia. also known as poofee cause no one likes fees sp thats an insult and were also calling it poop. don´t drink this satanist potion it is actually made out of human feces.
tyler:kirbo dont drink the evil poofee!
kirbo:thanks for helping me stay gods fav kid. now i wont ever drink the feces of satanists again pulled from the toilests found in the church of satan known as satanist coffee
by Wiisportselisasuperfan January 2, 2021
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What I like to put in my sugar.
Coffee is best used as an additive to substances like sugar and cream, but consumed in excess, ruins the flavour and experience of quality sugar.
by Person174920382263 December 17, 2010
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1) adjective

Term used to describe that which is entirely awesome, profound, or otherwise regarded as favorable.

2) noun

An object of awesomeness.

synonyms: awesome, cool
antonyms: decaf
A: I just pwned some noobs on Counterstrike.
B: Dude, that's so coffee.

A: I found $100!
B: Coffee!
by David Fier November 11, 2004
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Coffee that tastes like coffee. Doesn't tastes like hazelnut, vanilla, pumpkin spice or whatever. Coffee like it was meant to be.
From Denis Leary's Lock and Load:

Been in Dunkin' Donuts lately? The last bastion of coffee flavored coffee? It's gone. Forget about it. You walk in there now, there's people wearing berets, they're writing poetry on computers, there's a kid behind the counter: "Would you like a coffee kuhlata?"

Fuck no!! Coffee Kuhlata -- what the hell is that all about? Man, when I was a kid, Dunkin Donuts had two things -- coffee, and donuts, and that WAS IT! You took the donut, you dunked it in the cofee, thus the fuckin title of the place! Duuuuuuuuuukin DONUTS!

That's all the had, donuts and coffee, nothing else, no ice, no napkins, no soda, no salt, no pepper, no parfait, no crousants, NOTHING! You walk in there now, there's soup flying around, people are eating finger sandwiches... They got donuts on display in a case, like relics from a former era, you know. 'Here's what we used to serve. We used to fry 'em up and sell them by the dozen, back in the 70's.'
by YouDon'tKnowWhoIAm? August 10, 2008
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Aka Brown morning potion.

The substance that prevents mass homicide and keeps humanity alive
If I don't get coffee, all of yall are gonna die
by MayaGreensleeves11 November 17, 2019
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