A horse cock that is big and rather juicy.
After making sweet love to Jim, Sarah described his wang as looking like a big juicy horse cock. Whether this is a compliment or not is up for debate.
by Sexy McAssington January 8, 2018
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kais gf-how big is kais cock?"

kai- absoltely humongeous and very yummy."
by kaiateuranus July 29, 2022
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1. When someone compensates for lack of size by using big words.
2. When an online videogame player talks a big game to compensate for lack of size.
3. When a videogame player insults other players due to his own lack of size.
-Dude, you fucking prick motherfuckers. Watch me pwn you next round you noobsicle cocksucking pricks!!!

-Dude, stfu and play the game already.

-Hey, fuck you prick! I fucked your momma last night with my bigass dick. What are you gonna do about it, huh biatch? You can't even find your tiny ass prick. That's how small you are.

-Dude, what's his problem?

-Big talk, small cock syndrome.
by isselman2000 September 5, 2009
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A very graphic Canadian insult indicating that the person to whom the insult is being hurled it thought of so lowly that they should do this most disgusting of things normally as it is clearly something their character indicates they would consider normal practice. In other words, the person is disgusting and so are their habits.
esp. heard in rural Ontario when someone says or does a thing to anger their associates they would be told to 'go suck a big dead moose cock'. Also heard as a reply to another insult... i.e. if X says to Y 'your mother wears army boots', Y might be heard to reply with 'oh yeah eh, well your mother sucks big dead moose cock'. And on it goes like that until one of them gets a bloody nose.
by Rob Falla October 29, 2004
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something that makes you super atractive for basically no reason.
jeff over there has a big ass cock like an dino dong jesus christ WTAF.
by cchnhjcbxsvsccsu September 22, 2020
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A cock that is big basically because it's the person's birthday.
Omg let me see that big birthday cock, it's your special day after all!
by LingDanc803 April 12, 2023
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what i have
look at my huge cock! lets fuck now! yes a very big cock
by qwertyuiujhgvfdvgbhjnbgfcdecfg January 26, 2021
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