A nickname for the nuclear bomb(s) the USA dropped on Japanese islands in World War II
When they dropped the bomb, it blew up real good.
by ClamIAm December 15, 2003
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Terds, which hang before falling down to the shallow toilet water beneath. This creates a hollow splashing noise and sends the foul water upward to give your rear a cold splash of your piss filled water.
The man dropping bombs in the stall apparently didn't care I was there to hear him.
by !THOR! June 14, 2006
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equipment used to sabotage zig space fighter carriers in 2101, and impair grammar and speech.
by 1337 November 6, 2003
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1. (noun) a weapon used for killing because it explodes.
2. (verb) something, usually a film, that performed poorly for audiences and made like zero dollars.
3. (adjective) not quite the coolest or best thing known to mankind, but close. often used in conjunction with "the" or "da." a shortened version of "the/da bomb diggity."

Person A: Hey, did you see that Speed Racer remake with Emile Hirsch?
Person B: UH, NO, DUDE. No one did. It totally bombed.

Person A: Dude, taste my sandwich. IT IS SO BOMB! It's like the best thing I have EVER TASTED!
Person B: Whatever, dude. Did you see my triple word score?! IT WAS SOOOO BOMB!

by caddy crickette August 8, 2008
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1. slang term for a dame, a dish, a sexy chick, a foxy lady.

2. a dud. A total waste, a failure, a flop.
1. Roger: you got me requisitioned, blondie. She's just a girl.

Pete: She's a bomb!

Roger: I'm happy!

Pete: She's a bomb!

Roger: I'm ecstatic!

Pete: She's a bomb!

2. After we kissed and made up after resolving an argument, my girlfriend treated me out to a showing of the movie "Sibling Rivalry" at the Studio 35 cinema. The best I can say about that is that I didn't waste any dough, because that flick is so godawful it's a totally depressing bomb. I hated every minute of it.
by I Saw U2 Live Twice September 21, 2007
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2 methods of drug taking
1)Pitting MDMA into a cigarette paper, sealing it up by twisting it and swallowing whole
2)A method of burning cannabis resin, by putting it into a piece of paper or foil, twisting both ends to form a shape similar to that of a sweet, then heating it with a lighter
"I just had a bomb of MD mate"
"You perch, I'll bomb this rock"
by Dethknight July 15, 2003
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Male version of a grenade.
An ugly, unattractive and/or fat guy in a group of hot guys following the hot friend around. Everyone gets annoyed with him, he's never invited but shows up anyways.
"Who the fuck invited the bomb to come along?"
"He always follows Jake around, he should get his own life and he should stop showing up at Jakes dates."
by you know who this is AAWW December 29, 2011
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