
A classy, beautiful woman. The type one can only dream of going out with.
by venusflytrap January 16, 2005
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An attractive woman who a guy wants to get to know. Often considered offensive by the females, unless you’re from another century.
by Victor Van Styn August 5, 2005
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A female knight of an British chivalric order.
Judi Dench became a Dame Commander of the British Empire in 1988.
by Sir_Catherine September 25, 2007
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dame lo que quiero -give me what i want
by habana_hunni August 10, 2006
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Dame desu... (Not good)
Dude, that anime is dame!
by Kiyu April 17, 2004
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dame is just another way to say damn.
god dame eli, <3z
by elohel. May 17, 2011
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