Original/Actual definition: To be aware of the severity of major social issues, such as racial inequality and financial corruption.

Current/Misused definition: Anything a right-winger doesn't like, especially in movies or/TV shows. (Don't ask.)
Actual definition: I was never aware of the disparity between the Upper and Middle Classes. Consider me woke!

Right-wing definition: This movie has one black person in it! GO WOKE GO BROKE REEEEEEEEEE!!!
by Intelligence001 March 3, 2023
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Woke; a person usually considered a conspiracy theorist that believes the government doesn’t have the citizens best interest in mind and does not drink fluoride water that calcifies our pineal glands(third eye) thus “staying woke”the true meaning of woke has nothing to do with liberals and politics
The government wants to depopulate the world it’s written on the Georgia guide stones stay woke people !
by Chris vtech June 16, 2022
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Not being asleep
I am woke because I can't just always sleep
by Human being#32 December 25, 2022
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being woke means you are aware of the social, political and economic oppression of people of color-- and is taking action to better the circumstances
Person 1: your woke as fuck, I never knew how bad the world treats people of color

Person 2: be woke, don't turn a blind eye anymore.
by tacoboutit July 3, 2017
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Another word for enlightened that's only used by unenlightened people, usually to claim superiority over anyone that thinks differently.
You need to get woke like me bruh, all your opinions are old fashioned and bad.
by Jonnie555 November 1, 2020
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