Slang for a particular type of girl. Typically "snookies" are characterized by outrageous behaviors such as: constant drunken states, promising others sexual favors on your behalf over the loud speaker at a bar, degrading you in front of your peers, taking your virginity then never speaking to you again, pretending your not standing next to her as she makes fun of you, cares more about snakes than people, may or may not have a soul, loves heavy metal, hates puppies, is dead inside, etc.
Warning! While it is best to avoid any contact with a snookie, if you find yourself in the presence one, do NOT refer to her as "snookie", for "snookie" is a derogatory word and physical and/or psychological harm may result.
"That Melissa girl thinks the Holocaust is funny." -Jerrod
"What do you expect from a snookie?" - Jackie
"Snookies...pfff." - Jerrod
by TheMayor83 June 8, 2010
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someone who if you dye blue will look like a smurf.
horrible fake trans who ruins a perfectly fine tv show.
the only people who like her are 40 year old men who live in a one bedroom appartment with 30 cats....
an obnoxious cow mostly used as a punching bag
random person1: holly shit is that a smurf??
random person2: nah it's just that creepy looking hooker snooki.

normalnamedperson:"who the fuck has the name snooki??"
gay fag:"only like the hottest most coolest person ever!"
normalnamedperson *shoots the gay fag*
by bestpersonintheworldyourmum January 25, 2011
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When you go to the clinic after a night in the smoosh room, and the doctor says you have a new, unidentified STD. Yep, that's right. You got the Snookie.
I'm on these meds that I'm not supposed to drink on...I got the Snookie last night.

I don't know what I did last night, but I woke up with the Snookie.

After a night of Nookie, I pissed and realized I got the motha' fuckin' snookie.
by amberenergy84 February 4, 2011
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the act of being turned down or denied by a guy. this can even happen at such extremes as being completely wasted or when stooping below your level.

This happened to Snooki on Jersey Shore pretty much every episode.
I can't believe that guy snookied me, it was supposed to be a done deal.

I was snookied.
by llevent26 January 29, 2010
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A girl who constantly gets drunk and does stupid, irresponsible and/or inconsiderate things in complete disregard to the fact that she has a boyfriend.

Such actions may include:

-Flashing her business in public

-Hooking up with other guys and girls while she has a boyfriend
-Lying to her boyfriend

On top of it all, she'll tend to claim that she's a good girlfriend and that she doesn't cheat.
Guy 1: My girlfriend cheated on me with 3 of her roommates.

Guy 2: Whoa! Seriously?!

Guy 1:Yeah...I'm giving her another chance though.

Guy 2: Why?! That's not a girlfriend, that's a Snooki!
by BlooMoon March 30, 2012
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1. A Grenade.
2. A Butter-Face
3. An oversized oompaloopa.
4. Puerto Rican
5. A disgrace to America.
6. A Hooker.
7. Your mom that left you up for adoption when you were born.
"Yo man, my mom is such a Snooki!"
-"yeah I heard"

"DOOD! Look at that grenade!"
"DOOD! Look at that butter-face!"

"Yo, that oompaloompa on Jersey Shore is obviously a Snooki."
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