A fictional creature that lives aboard naval vessels and whom you send those who are new to the boat to go and stand watch for at 3am.
Airman Wiles was given a bogus watch looking for sea bats when he could have been sleeping as sort of a hazing.
by Jolly Roger March 25, 2004
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Japanese rock group. Formed in the eighties. Now defunct but still loved by fans across the world.
by MooglePower July 19, 2003
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"oh god what did sea queen do now..."
by pillbug science February 23, 2021
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Inserting your hand, in a fish-shaped pattern, in-between someone's thighs and rapidly slapping the inner thighs back and forth.
Getting "Sea-Bass'd" is when one individual, of genuine demeanor, approaches another individual and suddenly stops and stares at the second individual until the approached party becomes concerned and raises the alarm. Usually, this will consist of hailing the approaching party with a typical social response, e.g. "Hey", "Hello?", "what's up Man/Girl?", or perhaps if the two parties involved are not on familiar terms (which makes the sea bassing epic) "May I help you Sir/Ma'am?". At this point the party conducting the Sea Bassing quickly lowers their posture and inserts their hand, flat and erect, in-between the target's legs and slaps the inner thighs with their hand over and over again, mimicking a live fish that has, somehow, found its self outside it natural habitat and within the domain of a strange land-creature's legs. This should be continued until the approached party has retreated. If done correctly, the initiating party may exclaim: "You've just been Sea-Bassed". This is an example of a "Front-Bassing", the most difficult Sea-Bassing to accomplish since the target is fully aware of your intentions for strange activity.
by Hot-Tuna May 14, 2013
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Mythical creatures scientific name is "Seel" with an appearance that resembles a large Doggo for tactical reasons, if one touches a seel's face they will be blessed.
"last weak our boi jimmy touched a Sea Doggo face, I heard he won the lottery the day after"
by TheBurningBox April 29, 2018
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A cute way of calling a seal. This term is a "memeish" way of naming a seal. Just like doggo is a "memeish" and cute way of naming a dog.
The sea doggo barked loudly at the land doggo.
by November 20, 2017
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When a singer's voice is lost to digital distortion, low bitrate encoding, and autotune, and makes listening to digital sources almost impossible with almost every song
Disturbia by Rihanna is essentially lost in the digital sea
by cpubuilder December 3, 2013
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