14 definitions by pillbug science

A shortened version of the phrase "one-way ticket to Did-I-Ask-Ville" used mainly in text to communicate that you don't care.
A: "guys I learned this new song on the ukelele!"
B: "one-way ticket"
A: "???"
B: "...to did-i-ask-ville"
by pillbug science March 17, 2021
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Someone who is typing in a group chat. This phrase is used to call someone out while they are typing a message before they send it. Most commonly used in the phrase "typer, no typing!" (an offshoot of the classic Dora the Explorer phrase, "Swiper, no swiping!")
ruby: "..."
quenby: "typer"
by pillbug science March 11, 2021
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Acronym for "if you put a gun to my head" mainly used in texting. Almost always followed by a description of a scenario in which they are asked about something they don't know anything about.
Quenby: "iypagtmh and asked me who quackity is, tell my mama i love her"
by pillbug science March 18, 2021
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Your mentor, life coach, and salad enthusiast extraordinaire
"I am Cinau, your mentor, life coach, and salad enthusiast extraordinaire."
by pillbug science March 2, 2022
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When you and another individual take turns on a singular charger, switching off when a device dies.
A: "Sorry I need your charger."
B: "I'm using it. My phone's really low."
A: "We can teeter totter, dude."
B: "Oh okay."
by pillbug science March 1, 2022
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acronym for "goodnight my little babushkas mommy loves you my hamsters i love all my little shitters equally go back to your anthill my little clamsters mommy lo"
Vinnie: "goodnight my little babushkas mommy loves you my hamsters i love all my little shitters equally go back to your anthill my little clamsters mommy lo"
Ruby: "gmlbmlymhilamlsegbtyamlcml"
by pillbug science April 20, 2021
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Acronym for "made me incostruably laugh." Because the adverb "inconstruably" does not exist, it can properly reflect the degree to which something made you laugh when you are in an uncontrollable fit of laughter.
Yzma: "Sauce"
You: "MMIL"
by pillbug science February 23, 2021
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