A people who live in Finland, Norway, Denmark and parts of Russia. Also known as Laplanders. They herd reindeer and have the prettiest little costumes. Unfortunately, they are kind of boring.
The Sami more oft than not sit in their tents dicussing the mysteries of the reindeer.
by smantha May 26, 2004
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Sami is one of the most beautiful people you'll ever see. She is always smiling, and can light up a room. Sami is a great soccer player, and is very athletic. Most boys are crazy about Sami, because she has such a big butt.

Overall, Sami is one of the best people you'll ever meet.
I hope you date or be friends with a Sami one day
by Soccer star19 February 13, 2016
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The girl's name Samy \s(a)-my\ is a variant of Samantha. People with the name "Samy" are Gods of sexual pleasure and tend to have faces most men can't resist. All guys want them because of their well known sex skills. They love to be on top and tend to be screamers.
"Samy! Let's do it!"
--twenty-three seconds later-
"Pheww! That was amazing Samy! I have no words to describe how amazing that was! You're a goddess!!"
by CrazyyBitch27 February 5, 2010
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sami's are charming, deeply empathetic, and kind creatures with a strong sense of justice. they're a tad bit of a perfectionist, which works out for them because they are actually the closest to perfect that a human being can be, even though they don't always realize this themselves. they're humble and a little self-conscious. their smile and/or the sound of their laughter will make your heart flutter.

they value honesty, but they have nuance and make sure not to hurt those that ask for their opinion or advice. they have a way with words, in the most positive way. they just know how to be there for you, how to make you feel seen, and/or appreciated.

sami's are genuinely beautiful. as they are crafty, artistic, and creative, they bring beauty everywhere they go and to everything they touch. they will rock a full face of the most glamorous makeup but will look just as ethereal and jaw-dropping when bare-faced.

sami's tend to have gift giving as their love language. the gift doesn't have to be big or expensive, something handmade will also bring a big grin that will make you melt when you get to see it.

if you have a sami in your life, don't let them go. a sami is the type of friend, lover or family member that you should hold dear to your heart and treasure. they have strong morals, but see humanity in most choices and behaviors. they are open-minded and you can talk to them about anything.
sami's are my favorite people in the entire universe.
by Boketto June 21, 2022
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IS a loving person and a great person to be around. She has guys falling your her left right and centre. She if funny, caring and has a beautiful nature. She really likes food. also If you have a chance to date her never let her go and treat her like a true princess. She is popular
Boy 1.Omg did you see sami the other day
Boy 2.yeah she’s so hot
by Susan735 March 31, 2018
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A description for same sex couples, Easier than defining them as lesbian or gay couples.
"Ellen and Portia look pretty close",
"yeah, they're samies".
by spawnofkyuss October 6, 2011
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Saturday Morning Inspection...AKA Hell

Week. All week is spent cleaning for this torturous morning. Sleep Deprivation is a must, and the battle to dust is always lost to the white glove, your bed is never tight enough, and you and your roomates stuff just happens to differ in the tiniest detail making you fail....Almost always coupled with a busy academic week leading to increased frustration, and anger. Normally mild-mannered people become Monster driven, redeyed zombies.
Person 1: Whats wrong with Jack he seems out of it.
Person 2: He has SAMI this week, I heard him muttering about dust and his three tests this week.
Person 1: Damn poor guy.
by HavingFunatWP October 27, 2011
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