A wheelchair reaction to a text message or post (on slack, messenger, etc.) signifies the original message's intent (or the sender) is handicapped, fundamentally flawed, or severely challenged.
Example usage 1:
*Tesla employee posts to internal slack group:* "I think we should use Gucci-wrapped 18650 battery cells to power the new roadster"
*every sane employee reacts with the wheelchair (reaction/emoji) to indicate this design idea is flawed*

Example usage 2:
*An employee accidentally sends a company-wide message which was only intended for specific people*
*every other employee reacts with the wheelchair (reaction/emoji)*
by moderate_mega_chungus October 19, 2020
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Dystonic drug reaction causes symptoms such as fast and irregular heart rate, fever, sweating, confusion, and uncontrollable muscle movements of mouth, tongue, cheeks, arms, eyes, or legs.

It is a very alarming side affect to taking a certain medicine. It's a very rare side affect but can happen. The muscle spasms can be very painful and annoying. But it's treatable with medicines like benadryl.
I was taking Geodon for only 3 days and I started to have all the symptoms of dystonic drug reaction. It was so horrible I couldn't control my tongue or close my mouth!
by whatitdojenn February 14, 2009
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A genre of memes where a fictional character reacts something, they became popular since the 2010s.
"Character Reaction Memes are better than Generic Reaction Videos!" - Toaster from The Brave Little Toaster
by Ryan900USAYT April 6, 2022
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When Americans over-react.
See: Bay of Pigs. This would be a excellent example of an American Over-Reaction: here are 4 more: driving and realizing that the left lane isn't the lane to be in, parent's reaction when you come home too late, neighbor's reaction to loud parties, cops reaction to someone smoking weed
by monkey-snake December 5, 2008
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when in the middle of urinating a man has a myoclinic type jerk causing a emergency clean up
i was at thanksgiving at my girlfriends and had a pee jerk reaction took me 5 mins to clean up
by smokey chantrel January 15, 2010
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Usually used with someone you are flirting with via txt or FB to:
1. Gage the extent to which you can flirt with them
2. Most importantly, provide a get put clause allowing you to Deny all knowledge of said flirtation by calling it 'a reaction test' in case things balls up
All of the above allows the tester to safely vet all conversation and then pass or fail testee. Also see 'shit test'
Bruce: I like you
Consuela: that's cool I have a boyfriend though
Bruce: I know that was just a Reaction test
Consuela: a what? Did I pass
Bruce: yeah
by Banjo Bob January 27, 2013
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