"Watching the submarine races" is a euphamism for making out (and more) in a car. It's the kind of thing a cop would say to be funny when he knocks on the fogged-up window of your chevy parked in back of the safeway to ask what you're doing there at 1am, as if he doesn't know damn well.
Cop: Hey, what're you kids doing in there? Watching the submarine races?
People in car: Gak! Where are my pants?
by creaternity April 13, 2006
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When a group of men stand in a circle and masturbate onto a Triscuit cracker placed in the middle of the circle. The last person to ejaculate has to eat the Triscuit cracker.
You should have seen the look on Tom's face when he realized he was the loser of the Triscuit race!
by bartfarkel March 14, 2008
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the race between the playback line and the buffer bar on an internet video.
damn i cant hear a freekin thing this guys saying it keeps skipping because of the damn buffer race. the buffer bar is losing.
by Cory Nixon May 20, 2008
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When the site you want won't load, so you open up a new tab and go to the same site and see if it will load faster.
Guy: Yea Google wouldn't load the other day, so i opened up a total of five tabs and the fifth tab ended up winning the tab race.
by Kevin The Cactus December 19, 2010
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A contest between two people to see who can move the slowest towards an undesirable task when neither wants to do it. Often individuals participating make exaggerated movements in order to appear like they are making an attempt to complete the task.
John and Sally had a slow race to see who would deal with the angry customer on hold.

There are no winners in a slow race, the person to get to the task first does not win, the are the looser.
by Marc Bennets June 11, 2008
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When two men ejaculate at the same time and put their sperm into a woman. Then they cheer on their sperm to see who will impregnate her first. True results will be finalized 9 months after said event.
Sperm Racing:Justin and Jared came at the same time and put it into Nicole.
by Pheno Sony May 24, 2010
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You have two kegs and two teams with an equal amount of members. Tap the kegs, and then whoever finishes their whole keg first wins.
Yes! Did you hear Sean's having a keg race this weekend?!
by Jemegan February 27, 2007
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