the force exactly contradicting to Peeg, is used also by the 1337 and is harmful to the weak.
that muthafucka was sweatin me, so i used mah Frap on em' an' he don't sweat me no mo'.
by Hellawk123 October 10, 2003
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Similar to Netflix and Chill- Frap and Flap is used for Lesbians who go on an iced coffee date and then continue to sleep together.
“Did you hear Kristen went on a date to Starbucks with a girl? I heard they went home to Frap and Flap afterwards.”
by the real sappho January 30, 2021
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frap spackle is the resulting mess when a bowel movement contains solids with a consistency like spackle, propelled by large amounts of gas (that would be the "FRAP!" sound)- effectively coating the toilet bowl in a uniform layer of semi-solid poop.

invariably occurs when the toilet refuses to flush, or there is no toilet brush anywhere to be found. Think of the toilet scene in 'dumb and dumber'.

and this has only ever happened to me at my date's place, just before we were about to become romantic.

closely related to the dreaded diarrhea shart, where the underwear/wall/unfortunate person/or whatever is behind your behind gets hit by several gallons of high velocity liquid poop.

enjoy your lunch.
frap spackles occur within several hours of eating
- taco bell
- raunchy ronnie's rectum rockets (oh wait, that'd be a Mcpoop with extra sauce, wouldn't it?)
- too many buffalo wings and beer

looks remarkably like someone spackled the toilet bowl with refried beans
by roadkill pizza June 22, 2009
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one who constantly farts is frap happy
I can no longer be around that asshole because he's gone frap happy.
by June 13, 2016
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When guys get together to smoke crack and have gay intercourse while a wholesome father supplies freshly grilled burgers
guy 1: just got some crack rocks
guy 2: hell yeah. stick your cock in my gaping asshole

guy 1: fuck yes let's frap and trap
guy 2: what the fuck your asshole has worms

guy 8: thabks
by starwarsborra July 25, 2018
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A group of young men, generally between the ages of 18 and 24, who frequent Starbucks and get particularly rowdy after a couple Frappuccinos.
Frap boy #1: Fuck yeah, guys watch this! *chugs frappuccino and proceeds to smash cup on head* WOO!

Old man: Those rowdy Frap boys are at it again!
by Anonymous-dude-or-dudette- January 23, 2013
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"omg that was so frap!"
by xx.:~*Chazza*~:.xx May 31, 2005
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