when your girlfriend has been chewing on ice or enjoying a cold beverage than gifts with sexual pleasures of the mouth
" I got so much dome last night bro after i took her to marble slab" -True bro

"oh yeah did you get coldplay bro"- Truest bro
by cboyswagger May 3, 2011
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To be upstaged at your own show, like Coldplay at Super Bowl halftime.
Dude, Chris Martin got coldplayed up there with Beyonce and Bruno Mars.
by stubhill March 24, 2016
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When your music gets stolen by some lame ass u2 wannabes.
Hey those lame ass posers are playing a song that sounds like one you wrote years ago. I think you just got coldplayed.
by GuitarBob December 13, 2008
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When you 'play' with yourself, while your genitals are below average body temperature.
In the winter, I have no option but to ColdPlay with my self.
by FortOfDoom January 25, 2015
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A coldplay coma is when someone locks themselves up in a dark room, curls up into a ball engulfed by a blanket, (can sometimes be in a bed but often times happens over a heating vent) and listens to coldplay for hours on end. Someone usually has a coldplay coma to clam themselves down after a depressing, stressful or traumatic event.
After she broke up with him, he went into a coldplay coma in his room.
by ignoredangstyteen January 22, 2014
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The hangover one gets after attending a very awesome Coldplay concert the night before. Due mostly to reminiscing about the high pitched voice of Chris Martin and the awesome instrumental backup he's provided with.

People who have Coldplay hangovers will usually stay at home the day after the concert listening to their music on repeat and posting statuses about how awesome the concert was on social networking sites such as Facebook.
"Hey man, do you wanna go to that party on the 1st?"
"Nah, I'm sorry but I'm pretty sure I'm going to have a Coldplay hangover from their New Year's Eve concert."
"Aw man, I'm going to that concert too and I completely forgot about it. Looks like I'm going to call and cancel for the party."
by TheAlphonso January 2, 2012
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When you get hurt so badly that Coldplay comes to the hospital to break the news to you in the form of a parody of one of their own songs.
Last week, my friend sustained a Coldplay injury. The band came to the hospital and told him that he was Para-, Para-, paralyzed."
by Ezomz July 6, 2013
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