A Sex Act When A Man Cums All over a girls body then licks it up and vomits it into her vagina to make her pregnant.
She Got White Blizzards All Night Long!

That Kid Was Born By A White Blizzard!
by SexMoveMaker June 15, 2011
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When the booty poppin good so you spray some whip cream on your 10 in big black cock and shove it into the pussy. Then you eat it raw just like eating a blizzard.
dude i gave shenequa the Mississippi blizzard of a life time she was so white after
by benhickdaddy123 November 29, 2016
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The act of putting Baby Powder in the your butthole and farting.
Last night my girlfriend was asleep so i butthole Blizzard'd right in her face.
by BenrossisBoss August 18, 2012
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A somewhat rare and ghastly occurance where the forces of nature collide at high pressure, collaborating a chain reaction of shit.

A series of bad things that happen in a very rapid, sometimes simultaneous, manner.
Jim Lahey: Feel that?
Randy: Feel what, Mr. Lahey?
Jim Lahey: The way the shit clings to the air, Randy...
Randy: Shit clings to the air?
Jim Lahey: It's already started, my dear good friend.
Randy: What's started, Mr Lahey?
Jim Lahey: The shit blizzard
by shit blizzard December 14, 2017
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A male gets sunburn on his wiener it begins to peel and he finds a girl on her period to have sex with. After sex she queefs out the blood stained dead wiener skin making it a crimson blizzard.
After leaving the beach, Pat L went home to give susan a crimson blizzard.
by TBird311 April 20, 2010
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The act of receiving oral sex while the other person has icy hot or Ben-gay on their tongue
by BigDaddyLongShlong May 3, 2018
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When someone has their tongue stuck to a pole and you take a piss in their mouth
When Jeremy encountered Marvin he laughed and gave him a golden blizzard instead of helping him
by The Vacuum September 27, 2014
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