n. genitalia - male *or* female.
"yo, checkin' out some hotties & grabbin' some of the low, y'all!"
by geezus February 1, 2003
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Lows is a word used to describe something bad or subpar. it can be used to describe almost anything
J: “did you see what kendal did”
M: “yea that shit was lows”


M: “want to go to the skate park”
J: “that’s that place is lows”

J: “man this school lunch sucks”
M: “so lows
by tumadreesmuyfea January 7, 2022
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Low Low Batty,Realy Low Pants
When I Jump On The Trampoline (bouncey castle) With My Low Batty, I Get A Low Low Batty
by Bellexteeth July 11, 2010
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(1) Originating from a rare breed of human in the mid 1990's who inherently
described a curb as insufficient in height when attempting to grind the a curb with his skateboard.

(2) to be short
(1) WOW! This curb is low on the!
(2) That person's height is low on the
by namllrn April 28, 2004
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