14 definitions by geezus

blue rodeo

while engaging in anal sex, the man screams a different girls name than the one he is servicing. He then jumps on to her back and sees how long he can hold on.
"Man I tried the blue rodeo again last night, and I held on for five seconds.
by geezus March 3, 2006
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also used as a mindful sound when you're too tired or shmashed to respond coherently to anything.
1: "So, Marc! What do you want to do today?"
2: "buh."

by geezus February 22, 2003
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another cozy, cushy word for trying to get something out of your boyfriend/girl, usually used in conjunction with a 'pointing' action..

gf: "-buh?"
bf: "wassat u want, sweetie?"
by geezus February 1, 2003
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Muñaño is often described to be the word of the gods. Some even say if you chant muñaño five times in a mirror you will be teleported into a different dimension.
Damn his dick tasted like muñaño
by geezus January 25, 2021
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something that does NOT belong on a human head.
by geezus February 22, 2003
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usually used when drool is leaking out of one's mouth and they're too passed out (whether from drink, etc.) to be able to reply anything decently coherent.
dude1: "so uh.. Jay; u ready to go yet?"
dude2: "~~..snuh...~~"
by geezus February 1, 2003
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an expression of whine or panicky complaint towards something. (usually used around a loved one.)
gf: "puhh....x-P "
bf: "What?! I'll be back in a minute! *sheesh*! >.< ' "
by geezus February 1, 2003
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